Performance management
AB Klaipėdos energija – three management quality certificates
In February 2006, Bureau Veritas Certification Lithuania, a division of the international “Bureau Veritas” certification body, acknowledged that AB Klaipėdos energija meets the requirements of the international standards of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
The integrated quality and environmental protection management system covers all the main areas of activity of AB Klaipėdos energija: heat production, transmission and sale, maintenance of buildings’ heating and hot water systems.
The company‘s certified quality management system means that it meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001 and all strictly regulated processes in the company are managed in accordance with them. The company‘s management system is constantly being audited and improved.
Having implemented a quality management system, AB Klaipėdos energija aims to ensure the needs of consumers by reducing heat losses in heating routes, the cost of heat energy and renovating consumers’ heating centers.
The environmental protection management certificate ISO 14001 testifies that the activities of AB Klaipėdos energija are becoming more transparent from the point of view of environmental protection. The certified company carefully follows the implementation of the requirements of legal acts, manages and undertakes to improve its impact on the environment in which the community of Klaipėda and its surroundings live. Continuous monitoring of environmental protection will help reduce the negative impact of the company‘s activities on the environment.
In March 2012, the managers of AB Klaipėdos energija were awarded a third international certificate – OHSAS 18001. It is an occupational safety, health and safe work control system designed to help organizations develop occupational safety and health policies and objectives.
In March 2021 the OHSAS 18001 certificates expired. Therefore, our company was succesfully certified according to the requirements of the new ISO 45001:2018 and intends to continue to demonstrate compliance with the occupational safety and health management standard.
ISO 45001:2018 specifies the requirements for an occupational health and safety management system and provides guidance on its use. This helps the company to ensure safe and healthy workplaces, prevent work-related injuries and ill-health while actively improving the performance of the organization’s management system.
In February 2021, UAB Bureau Veritas Lit, having performed an audit of the company’s quality, environmental protection and employee health and safety management system, issued certificates valid for three years confirming compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.
Policy of AB Klaipėdos energija regarding environmental protection,
occupational safety and health
AB Klaipėdos energija aims to be the leading energy production, supply and sales company in the region of Klaipėda. It wants to preserve and develop the most rational and promising centralized heat supply from an environmental point of view. The company has an objective to apply modern technologies and devices for the production, supply and consumption of heat and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for employees.
- orientate the company’s activities to the satisfaction of customers’ needs, respect their opinions and interests, promptly respond to comments, complaints and requests, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality, environmental protection, worker safety and health management systems, implement the mandatory legal and other requirements of the Republic of Lithuania;
- develop awareness of quality, environmental protection, worker safety and health among employees at all levels of the company, raising employee qualifications, encouraging creative initiative and allocating the necessary resources;
- save natural resources by efficiently and rationally using raw materials and substances;
- allocate the necessary resources for the prevention of injuries, illnesses, pollution, emission of harmful substances into the environment as well as carrying out the secondary use of waste;
- improve the working environment, aiming to work without accidents and reducing dangerous factors;
- prioritize ecologically cleaner fuel and burn it in accordance with the requirements;
- involve suppliers and contractors in the implementation of our quality, environmental protection, occupational safety and health policies to improve the quality of the products and services supplied, which should be safe for the environment and employees;
- inform the public about the impact of the company’s activities on the environment.
Quality, environmental protection, occupational safety and health policies, goals tasks and programs are established and evaluated in due time to ensure compliance with changing requirements.
The company’s management is responsible for ensuring that this quality, environmental protection, occupational safety and health policy is known, understood and implemented by all our employees at all levels of activity, including those working on behalf of the company. The policy must also be available to the public and interested parties.